Our success is measured by
Notable Results
2020-2024: [Long overdue] UPDATE COMING SOON!
More case results will be added shortly; please check back soon.
2019, San Bernardino County (no action filed)
Facilitated settlement of mother's financial elder abuse claims against her son, requiring son to return the hundreds of thousands of dollars he’d misappropriated from his mother through undue influence and wrongful use of her bank accounts, credit cards, and home equity (line of credit)
2019, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Pursued litigation on behalf of elderly woman whose brother purportedly created new living trust leaving their family home to his girlfriend, rather than to his sister as always had been intended and promised; trust contest based on undue influence (and financial elder abuse) ultimately resulted in extremely favorable negotiated resolution for sister, through which the property was sold and she received the vast majority of the $1.5 million dollar proceeds
2019, San Luis Obispo County and Los Angeles County Superior Court
Successfully intervened on behalf of elderly woman to oppose unwarranted, retaliatory temporary conservatorship sought by granddaughter in response to having been sued for financial elder abuse; later accomplished global negotiated resolution through which proposed conservatee’s disputed estate plan was ‘locked in’ as she intended (all but eliminating the distribution to granddaughter who previously had procured a trust which would have left her everything), and her affairs were set to be managed by a private professional fiduciary – finally eliminating the ongoing intrafamily battles regarding control of her care and multimillion-dollar estate
2019, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Orchestrated substantial (mid-six figures) negotiated settlement of civil suit for financial elder abuse, obtaining some ‘justice’ for surviving children of elderly man whose life savings had been funneled into a fraudulent “investment” by his longtime (and supposedly trusted) financial advisor
2018-19, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Despite strenuous opposition and claims for offsets, successfully compelled a trustee who had withheld distribution of his deceased brother’s share of their predeceased mother’s trust to provide an accounting – and then to make a full distribution of his deceased brother’s intended inheritance to the deceased brother’s son, rather than continuing to retain that share of the trust (or even a portion of it) for himself and his other surviving brother
2017-19, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Thwarted deceptive and abusive “caregiver” who had been neglecting the care of the elderly woman who hired her – even as she brazenly stole from the elder’s bank account and used undue influence to secure a position as beneficiary of her multimillion-dollar estate; the “caregiver” was fired, ousted as beneficiary, and received nothing
2017-19, Los Angeles County (no action filed)
Intervened on behalf of concerned son who discovered his brother was abusing his authority under their mother’s power of attorney (misappropriating their mother’s assets as she developed dementia); efforts led to concerned son wresting complete control of the mother’s care and finances from his brother, along with implementation of appropriate safeguards ensuring her protection and well being
2017-19, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Overcame claims levied by multiple purported beneficiaries trying to get a share of decedent’s approx. $8 million dollar trust and estate – helping the trustee accomplish decedent’s true intentions outlined in his unsigned final estate plan, and ensuring the bulk of decedent’s assets were distributed to his surviving spouse and [omitted] child rather than pursuant to the terms of his ‘stale’ trust
2018, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Successfully defended action for financial elder abuse, negotiating extremely favorable outcome at mediation (avoiding any out-of-pocket liability)
2018, Sacramento County Superior Court
Retained by trustee/conservator as additional, expert counsel to help address issues of dependent adult financial abuse potentially impairing the trustee’s disabled brother’s multimillion-dollar interest in ongoing trust proceedings; intervention led to appropriate negotiated resolution of all outstanding matters
2018, Santa Barbara County (no action filed)
Challenged overbroad power of attorney obtained surreptitiously – and through undue influence – by principal’s son when she was suffering from dementia, preventing likely misappropriation of assets (financial elder abuse) and compelling accounting(s) and full transparency to the elder’s family regarding all her financial matters going forward
2018, Los Angeles County (no action filed)
Leveraged recovery of title to an elderly man’s home for him, after it wrongfully was taken from him by the man’s caregiver and the caregiver’s son through the caregiver’s assertion of undue influence (financial elder abuse)
2018, Los Angeles County (no action filed)
Facilitated $1.1 million settlement for minor child omitted from his deceased father’s will and trust
2017-18, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Obtained emergency conservatorship on behalf of elderly woman whose grandson had stolen close to $1,000,000 from her; went on to represent the conservator in an action against the grandson/thief that resulted in a court judgment against him for nearly $3,000,000 – including an award of statutory double damages and attorneys’ fees pursuant to Probate Code § 859
2017-18, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Negotiated successful (total) defense of trust contest on behalf of trustee – requiring that all assets be distributed expressly pursuant to the trust’s terms, despite certain disgruntled heirs’ pending claims and objections
2017-18, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Obtained substantial (several hundred thousand dollar) settlement of mother’s civil action for financial elder abuse against her own daughter and son-in-law, after they took advantage of her and misappropriated her assets
2017-18, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Obtained total dismissal of a baseless civil action for elder abuse
2016-18, Siskiyou and Los Angeles Counties (no action filed)
Represented successor trustee regarding multiple disputed matters at issue when she took over for her father as predecessor trustee (after he began suffering from dementia), intervening to eliminate the apparent financial elder abuse being perpetrated on her father by his second wife, and ensuring all assets properly were reserved for his continued care (and ultimately distributed to his intended beneficiaries)
2010-2018, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Successfully protected interests of trust beneficiary and designated [co]trustee regarding multiple disputed matters related to the trustor’s domestic and international properties and business affairs, while also ultimately saving the client hundreds of thousands of dollars through concentrated litigation avoidance efforts during the course of the trust’s required eight-year administration; trust assets valued in excess of $10 million
2017-, Los Angeles County (no action filed)
Ongoing representation of beneficiary to maximize and perfect her interests in ex-husband’s estate, including supervision of long-term administration by ‘suspect’ fiduciary (ensuring beneficiary’s interests are protected)
2017-, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Ongoing representation of court-appointed fiduciary concerning all aspects of a court-approved trust’s (and a related conservatorship’s) ongoing administration
2016-17, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Successfully challenged a wrongfully procured power of attorney, avoiding substantial misappropriation of assets from (i.e., financial elder abuse of) the principal by her nephew
2016, Los Angeles County (no action filed)
Leveraged successful resolution of looming inter-sibling dispute regarding the net distributable shares to which the siblings were entitled from their deceased parents’ trust, avoiding litigation while compelling one sibling to concede his required offset/debt to his other siblings based on substantial prior loans received from their parents
2016, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Negotiated successful defense of will contest for decedent’s surviving spouse, severely limiting distribution to decedent’s surviving children who had challenged the surviving spouse’s interest in the estate
2016, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Achieved total invalidation of trust amendment procured through undue influence (negotiated resolution of trust contest within weeks of filing petition, accomplishing early result equivalent to a full victory at trial)
2016, Los Angeles County (no action filed)
Perfected trust/estate beneficiary’s interest in his grandmother’s assets (taking through his deceased mother’s share), recovering substantial assets wrongfully claimed and retained by deceased mother’s sibling; recovered assets (including lifetime interest in family business) worth millions
2015-16, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Achieved successful settlement of trust (amendment) contest for trustors’ granddaughters, after they essentially had been ‘cut out’ of their grandparents’ trust through undue influence asserted by their deceased uncle’s wife
2015-16, Riverside County Superior Court
Obtained emergency conservatorship to protect elderly woman from ongoing financial abuse at the hands of her daughter, simultaneously preserving and protecting the interests (and eventual inheritance) of the family of the conservatee’s deceased spouse
2015, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Confirmed client’s status as trustee and sole beneficiary of lifelong friend’s trust (assets valued at more than $1 million), successfully opposing efforts of the trustor’s estranged children to contest the estate plan
2015, Riverside County Superior Court
Through mediated settlement of trust contest and financial elder abuse action, ratified client’s status as trustee and sole beneficiary of non-relative’s restated trust (assets valued at more than $1 million)
2015, Los Angeles County (no action filed)
Negotiated highly favorable settlement of trust dispute between co-trustee siblings, ensuring client co-trustee/sibling ultimately received maximum value from the trust while also resolving the parties’ competing claims of mismanagement and misappropriation of trust assets
2013-15, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Leveraged settlement in action against elderly man’s neighbor who had misappropriated substantial assets from him through abuse of a power of attorney
2013-15, Orange County Superior Court
Investigated and protected elderly woman’s rights and interests as sole current principal and income beneficiary of trust being mismanaged by professional fiduciary
2010-15, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties
Ongoing representation of [co]trustee regarding multiple disputed matters; multistate trust assets valued in excess of $25 million
2014, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Successfully opposed wrongful attempt by son to obtain an unnecessary and inappropriate conservatorship over his mother
2014, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Recovered substantial assets misappropriated from mother through son’s undue influence (financial elder abuse), restoring estate assets so mother’s other children and step-children could receive their intended inheritance
2014, Orange County Superior Court
Contested deathbed amendment to trust wrongfully benefiting caregiver girlfriend (purported sixth wife) in favor of incapacitated trustor’s intended beneficiaries
2014, San Diego County Superior Court
Initiated recovery of trust property from client’s sibling who unduly influenced father to give her substantial trust assets prior to his death (financial elder abuse), wrongfully reducing client’s intended inheritance
2013-14, Los Angeles County (no action filed)
Enforced client’s right to act as sole successor trustee of his mother’s and step-father’s trust (over objections of his step-siblings), and negotiated settlement through which trust assets were reallocated between subtrusts to ensure ultimate distributions among the step-siblings would be accurate and equitable
2013-14, Santa Barbara County (no action filed)
Leveraged settlement to unwind complicated real property development transaction(s) through which unsuspecting elderly man had been swindled into forfeiting his rights / interest in valuable Santa Barbara bluff property
2013-14, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Intervened on behalf of previously-incapacitated man whose children refused to acknowledge his restored capacity (following recovery from prior health troubles), eliminating their self-serving stranglehold on his affairs and confirming his status and authority as sole trustee of his living trust
2013-14, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Ousted ‘bad son’ trustee who had been refusing to relent control of father’s multimillion-dollar trust / assets; also negotiated a favorable settlement with the son, permanently extinguishing his future interest(s) in the Trust’s assets
2013, San Diego County (no action filed)
Thwarted threatened conservatorship sought by two sons of elderly woman, preventing their calculated effort to wrest control of her finances at time when she still was fully capable of managing her own affairs
2013, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Negotiated and ‘locked in’ multimillion-dollar inheritance for relatives of elderly woman whose estate wrongfully had been earmarked (at the direction of her conservator) for distribution solely to her conservator’s chosen charities
2013, Los Angeles County (no action filed)
Negotiated favorable resolution of intra-sibling trust dispute, confirming client sibling’s position as sole successor trustee (concurrent with removal of non-client sibling as fiduciary), and leveraging a forced reduction of ‘bad’ sibling’s beneficial share of trust to compensate for his misappropriation of trust assets.
2012-13, Riverside County Superior Court
Assisted (through contested conservatorship proceedings) with the protection of an elderly woman who had begun to have substantial assets – including her home – pilfered from her by her new ‘boyfriend.’
2012, Orange County Superior Court
Successfully freed up millions in Trust property for elderly trustors, thwarting their son’s wrongful (fraudulent) efforts to usurp control and ownership of their home and other Trust assets.
2011, Santa Cruz County Superior Court
Recovered substantial inheritance for heir wrongfully omitted from grandmother’s estate plan (as a result of another relative’s undue influence)
2011, San Bernardino County (no action filed)
Negotiated recovery of assets wrongfully diverted from decedent’s estate by one of her two children
2011, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Successfully defeated efforts of decedent’s estranged children to obtain his assets, restoring inheritance to decedent’s other family members as his intended beneficiaries
2010-, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Ongoing representation of trustee / profesional fiduciary; trust assets valued in excess of $10 million
2010-11, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Representation of trustee of high-profile (celebrity) trust
2010-11, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Representation of trustee regarding multiple disputed matters; trust assets valued in excess of $25 million
2010, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Successful ‘ousting’ of elderly woman’s recalcitrant property manager (and purported trustee) on behalf of professional fiduciary, intervening to obtain appropriate control for protection of more than $10 million in assets
2010, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Restored inheritances for multiple trust beneficiaries wrongfully ‘cut out’ of their aunt’s estate plan as a result of another relative’s undue influence
2010, San Francisco County Superior Court
Negotiated settlement of ongoing dispute between co-trustees / beneficiaries (siblings), including resolution of all concerns regarding allocations/values of their respective inheritances
2009, Los Angeles County Superior Court
‘Broke’ purportedly irrevocable trust wrongfully procured by elderly man’s caregiver and “girlfriend” (40 years his junior!), leveraging settlement after his death to restore virtually the entire inheritance of his rightful beneficiaries
2009, Ventura County Superior Court
Utilized pending conservatorship proceedings to effectively disinherit conservatee’s daughter (via settlement of related litigation), ‘balancing out’ the substantial assets previously obtained by that daughter through her undue influence over her mother
2009, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Settlement obtained to restore 92 year old woman’s ownership of her home, after her neighbor unduly influenced her to transfer title to him in exchange for a cash payment worth only a fraction of the home’s value
2009, Ventura County Superior Court
Very favorable settlement obtained for multiple beneficiaries of decedent’s trust, holding designated trustee fully accountable for his wrongful conduct prior to and following trustor’s death
2008, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Negotiated and ‘locked in’ multimillion-dollar inheritances for two trust beneficiaries, after successfully intervening to curtail the ongoing undue influence of an elderly woman by her “friend”
2008, Sonoma County Superior Court
Real property recovered for decedent’s estate, after forcing rescission of wrongful ‘sale’ procured through undue influence during last several years of decedent’s life
2008, Santa Barbara County Superior Court
Forced recovery of all ‘missing’ trust assets (several hundred thousand dollars) wrongfully diverted by elderly woman’s son for his own benefit
2008, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Restoration of inheritance secured for several out-of-state trust beneficiaries previously ‘cut out’ of their cousin’s estate plan through wrongdoer’s ongoing undue influence
2007, Ventura County Superior Court
$3,000,000.00 settlement – including significant punitive damages component – obtained in wrongful death and elder abuse action against residential care facility (after ‘piercing the corporate veil’ to force additional accountability by the truly culpable parties beyond the $2.25 million judgment already obtained)
2007, Los Angeles County Superior Court
$350,000.00 inheritance restored to rightful beneficiary following successful trial of trust contest invalidating wrongfully procured trust amendment benefitting caregiver (Probate Code § 21350 et seq.)
2007, Siskiyou County Superior Court
Conclusion of six-year saga resulting in the return to a family trust of deceased parents’ multimillion-dollar cattle ranch properties wrongfully taken by ‘black sheep’ son and subsequent proper distribution of trust properties
2007, Los Angeles County Superior Court
Exceptionably favorable settlement obtained on behalf of wrongly accused trustee/beneficiary in trust contest
2007, Los Angeles County Superior Court
$450,000.00 settlement obtained for trust beneficiary wrongfully ‘cut out’ of her uncle’s estate plan due to the undue influence of the uncle’s paid caregiver, now his new wife
2006, Riverside County Superior Court
Successful invalidation of trust amendment requiring repayment of more than $1,000,000.00 to decedent’s trust estate (including return of substantial joint tenancy assets), for ultimate distribution to decedent’s original (i.e., pre-amendment) beneficiaries
2006, Santa Barbara County Superior Court
Approx. $400,000.00 settlement obtained on eve of trial in financial elder abuse lawsuit, representing repayment of nearly double the amount defendant was accused of wrongfully taking from his elderly relatives
2006, Boca Raton, FL (NASD Arbitration)
Successful recovery of elder’s losses resulting from financial advisor’s mismanagement of brokerage accounts
2005, San Joaquin County Superior Court
Approx. $750,000.00 settlement obtained during trial of trust contest, amounting to wrongful beneficiary essentially relinquishing her entire purported inheritance
2005, Los Angeles County Superior Court
$500,000.00 settlement obtained in trust and will contest alleging decedent’s purported living trust and last will (which left her estate to a charitable beneficiary, rather than to her three children) arose solely as a product of her incapacitating delusions
2005, Los Angeles (NASD Arbitration)
Successful recovery of elder’s substantial losses resulting from improperly placed investments
2005, Riverside County Superior Court
Successful recovery of elder’s multimillion-dollar ‘investment’ in annuities, wrongfully-procured by her insurance agent